if you have a website you want to know how good is your website or what keywords are ranking on google wright now for your website how do you know that ?
This is where SEO expert comes in. they give your site a audit and tell you info about your website-like what is the traffic growth of the website and what are technical issue that are holding your site back and many more info on the keywords ranking in google.
What is Ahrefs?
Ahrefs is a tool that helps you get keywords for blog post and give you audits so you know what is wrong with your website. every website has problem even google.
Ahrefs is a paid tool there price range starts at mouthy 99$ to 999$. depending on your need if you have a blog 99$ Lite package is google for you. so you have to pay this much mounthly do get all the benefits with a website SEO audit.
click here to chack the price. but let me tell you how you can get that for free
Ahrefs audit for free
to get the audit for free you have to set up Ahrefs webmaster tool. here is my video to how to set it up
now here are the steps
step 1 : go to tool

Step 2: sign up with google

step 3: tell how you heard about it

Step 4: give ACCESS TO google search console

step 5: select PROJECT to IMPORT

and there you have it after importing you will have something like this it will tell you how much backlinks and traffic you have. just click on the option you want to check

and if you do all things correctly you will get a weekly email like this

and there you have it. your weekly free audit for as long as you want. if Ahrefs does not change there rule.
if you want to solve those problems you can learn them or hire me so I will solve them for you with my seo service.