if you clicked on this post by the title you want to know about keyword research. and i am going to tell you all about it.

so what are keyword’s?

keywords are words that you type. like every words in this blog post. 12345, !@#$%^ they are numbers and sings so they are not keyword.

Now that you know what are keywords. now lets talk about what is keyword research?

So what is keywords research?

keyword research is looking or searching for keywords that are needed for specific work. like for example ads, blog post and many more.

So why do you need keyword research

if you want to grow online in digital word you need keyword research. if you do not want to grow then why are you online?

as I mention before all word you type are keyword. but people do not need to search for every thing everytime.

for example a football fan might search for his favorite player on google or next match of that teem.

i always search for recipes. so, every body is searching online but there are specific keywords that people search all the time or trending keywords.

people need to know where people are so marketer and you can sell your product or service. for example lets say you are a doctor you need to wrote blog post or social midia post about your health not how to cook or food wright?

keyword research for social midia or hastags #

if you post anything on social midia for example Facebook, twitter now X, YouTube you can use hastags like for SEO: #seo , #seotips etc.

write hastags in small letter and use them at the end of the post before you publish the post on social midia.

keyword research for website

now you have come to the area of a big playfields. if you want to exists the website do now..

if you are still here, welcome to a market place of billions of dollars. website make millions by doing perfact keyword research. here is my video on how to do if you are a beginner

I hope you now understand the basics of keyword research if you want to know more comment below.

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