It’s Totally Cool If Your WordPress Site Isn’t Ranking High (Yet!) Here’s How On-Page SEO Can Turn Things Around.
On-page SEO /on-site SEO means to optimize your content for both search engines and your website traffic.
If You just bought the domain and hosting and installed the wordpress CMS and are wondering how to do SEO now? Well, you are in the right place. Here are some steps you need to follow..
Choose an SEO-Friendly WordPress Theme
After you install the wordpress and login to your WordPress dashboard you will have a default theme enabled by default.
If you go to appearance and then go to themes you will find your defaults theme there.

Now press the Add new theme Button.

You will find a lot of free wordpress themes you can use.

After choosing your favorite theme you will have to install and activate the theme. Here is a video telling you how to do it.
(insert video in the future)
pro tips: chose between Kadence theme, generetpress theme or Astra they are SEO friendly.
Optimize Permalinks
permalinks are links to your website page where people search or go to a specific page. for example look at the url of this page every thing that comes after is Permalinks.
to find permalinks in your WordPress. go to setting and click on permalink

you will have 5 options chose the one you like and scroll down and save changes.

pro tips: use Post name. google and users love that and its SEO friendly.
Install an SEO Plugin
There are a lot of seo plugins are out there but a lot of theme do absolutely nothing for you.
here are the names of 3 plugings that actually do something
- yoast seo
- all in one seo
- rank math
you can use them for free and they also have there pro version which you have to pay money so use the free.
pro tips: Use rank math SEO Plugin. it gives you a lot of things for free.
Conduct Keyword Research
now you have a nice theme and a great website now A qustion might come what shoud I write?
thats where keyword research comes in. It basically means write about what might you or other people might be searching for like this one.
if you are a beginner and what to know about keyword research read HOW TO DO KEYWORD RESEARCH 101
pro tips: Target KGR keywords for great traffic boost.
Optimize Title Tags and Meta Descriptions
Tile and meta descriptions are very important for a website. Its the fist thing people see on google about your website.
So creat a great post title and a great meta descriptions to make them click on your website form the search engine. heres a image to tell you whats title and meta descriptions.

pro tips: you can change your title and meta describtion from the SEO plugin mention above.
Improve Heading Tags
Headings are important to make a content look good for both search engine and people. Heading also tells makes easy for the visitors to find the topic in the content that might help them.
Headings are in a range for H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 . Every body only use H1 to H4 in there content. To use heding select a content and transform it from a paragraph to heading 1st.

after it has become a heding then chose which heading you like to use.

make sure they are easy to understand friendly.
pro tips: Use only 1 H1 for the title and for rest of the sub heding use H2 and and for there sub heding use H3 and so on.
Optimize Image Attributes
Now you have written a full content about 600+ words and divided the paragraphs using headings. you are almost 50% finished. Now to make the content a more visual you can use images.
For SEO I will recommend you use 5 images. 1 for the feature images and 4 images though out the content. It make the content more engaging.

{write a blog post in the future how to make any image seo friendly}
pro tips: use alt text and caption to make every images SEO friendly.
Enhance Internal Linking
you are really doing great, If this is your first post on your website then you can add internal link to your home page or other page on your website. if not add to your relevant blog post.
Internal link is good for your new post and gives your old post a great traffic boost.
pro tips: for 1000+ word content use 3 to 5 internal links
Improve Page Loading Speed
Now that your website is looking great and your content is also great now you have to find out if your website speed is good or Slow here is google page speed insights . Its free see what your website is now and solve the problems.
now do not be warry you do not have all 100 in mobile or desktop. for mobile 60+ and for desktop 80+ you are good. use caching plugins to make it more faster.
pro tips: use CDN a (free one is cloudflare) and instead of jpg images or png images use WEBP images for faster website speed.
Create Engaging and Valuable Content
great by now you should have a nice looking blog and optimize seo content but wait lets make some updates to those content or for new contents.
if you have read this full blog post, well congrats. you know why because it was a engaging and a valuable content so you read it. Now in2024 there is a lot of ai content and many site are doing great with those but before you publish any content read it your self.
if you do not like the content guess what nobody will like that also ? creat content for users and help them solve a problem, No matter a big or small just help people and people will visit your website more.
pro tips: write for the people not for search engines. Ai is already doing that.
thats it for this blog post. if you want to hire a seo expert or need of any suggestions book a free consultation with me and good luck in the seo world.